**Welcome back to the start of a new term **

School Inspection & Performance Reports

Strong Outcomes in the 2021/22 KS2 tests!
We continue in our unrelenting vision for outstanding outcomes for all our pupils. As acknowledged by the Director of Education in her letter above, our results for the 2021/22 KS2 results exceed national averages again.

Thank you to our pupils for their hard work, the parents for their trust and support, and all staff for their dedication and hard work.

The Spring term 2022 was a very busy one for us as we had both a Section 8 OfSTED Inspection and a Full RE Inspection Report within two weeks of each other.

OfSTED report: GOOD

RE Inspection report: Classroom Religious Education: GOOD; Catholic Life of the School: OUTSTANDING

We are naturally thrilled that the hard work and commitment of our pupils, staff and parents are acknowledged in these reports and evidence positive advance from our previous inspections.

In her covering letter to the inspection report, the Chief Inspector of Schools in the Diocese of Westminster confirmed that "it is the quality of leadership, the vision and inspiration of the head and her leadership team, together with governors, that enables a school to ensure pupils receive the best quality of Catholic education."

The COVID-19 pandemic meant that there was no attainment data for the 2019/20 and 2020/21 academic years.  

We are confident that the SATs results this year will again demonstrate the quality of education offered in our school. We are determined to keep moving forward, until all areas of the school are accredited as OUTSTANDING.

Copies of both Inspection Reports can be viewed below.

We continue in our unrelenting vision for outstanding outcomes for all our pupils. As acknowledged by the Director of Education in her letter above, our results for the 2021/22 KS2 results exceed national averages again.

Thank you to our pupils for their hard work, the parents for their trust and support, and all staff for their dedication and hard work.

The Spring term 2022 was a very busy one for us as we had both a Section 8 OfSTED Inspection and a Full RE Inspection Report within two weeks of each other.

OfSTED report: GOOD

RE Inspection report: Classroom Religious Education: GOOD; Catholic Life of the School: OUTSTANDING

We are naturally thrilled that the hard work and commitment of our pupils, staff and parents are acknowledged in these reports and evidence positive advance from our previous inspections.

In her covering letter to the inspection report, the Chief Inspector of Schools in the Diocese of Westminster confirmed that "it is the quality of leadership, the vision and inspiration of the head and her leadership team, together with governors, that enables a school to ensure pupils receive the best quality of Catholic education."

The COVID-19 pandemic has meant that there has been no attainment data for the 2019/20 and 2020/21 academic years. We continue to work closely to ensure that all our pupils not only overcome the adverse impact of the virus, but also maintain their aptitude for continuous education.

We are confident that the SATs results this year will again demonstrate the quality of education offered in our school. We are determined to keep moving forward, until all areas of the school are accredited as OUTSTANDING.

Copies of both Inspection Reports can be viewed below.


Inspection Reports

Performance Tables

The Government has created a one-stop link to compare all schools' performances.  Please remember that no primary test or assessment data has been published for 2020, 2021 or 2022.

Our Key Priorities set at the beginning of the 2022/23 academic year is as below. 
KS2 Attainment Appraisal Letter, Hackney Education 2023