**Welcome back to the start of a new term **

KS1 and KS2

If your child attends a different school, and you would like to join our school, this is known as an "In Year" Application and should be made via Hackney Education. If a place is available, and there is no waiting list the child will be admitted within 10 working days. We welcome children from all faiths.

Please click here for further information and to apply through Hackney Education Making an in year-application
Please complete our admission form here Admission form - Reception class to Year 6

If a place cannot be offered, due to no availability, you will be placed on a waiting list. 
Please be reminded that your child should be attending a school and therefore cannot be at home until a place in your preferred school becomes available.

Prospective Parent Tours
We host regular Prospective Parent tours throughout the year on Wednesday afternoon at 2.30pm or Friday mornings at 9.30am.  Please call the school office to book on 020 7739 5824.