**Welcome back to the start of a new term **

PE Clubs

Our qualified PE Teacher specialist delivers the PE programme at St Monica’s Primary School.  They ensure that in Physical Education children take part in a wide variety of activities.  Pupils learn that being active is fun and that it is important to lead an active lifestyle.  At the beginning of their school life, children learn and explore basic movement skills, they develop these skills throughout their time at St Monica’s and leave as confident movers able to play a wide range of sports.

EYFS pupils begin their PE learning by exploring spaces and becoming aware of themselves and the world around them. Children are given opportunities to develop their motor skills, such as jogging, rolling and jumping.

At Key Stage 1, the emphasis is much more on developing the pupil's FUNdamental skills, such as catching, throwing, rolling, kicking and bouncing.  Pupils are also taught to explore movements through Gymnastics and Dance.  They start to work and play with other pupils in pairs and small groups.

At Key Stage 2, pupils are able to build on the foundations created at KS1.  KS2 pupils will develop their skill level and understanding of a range of areas to include Dance, Athletics, Gymnastics Striking and Fielding Games (Rounders, Cricket), Invasion Games (Football, Basketball, Hockey, Tag Rugby), Net Games (Volleyball, Tennis). They will learn new skills in these areas and find out how to apply them in different situations. Pupils are also given opportunities to evaluate their own and others’ performances.

All pupils change activity every six weeks and their progress is monitored throughout each area with the PE Teacher providing a National Curriculum level for the pupils at the end of the Year.

Pupils are encouraged to further develop their skills and interest in sport by attending after school clubs. These sports clubs are run throughout the year varying the activity with the season, and often tying into local competitions that the pupils participate in.

For the Autumn, Spring and Summer Terms, each year group attends a different Sports Club daily. If you require further information, please speak to the Main Office on 020 7739 5824.


Tuesday Football - 15:30pm to 16:30pm KS2
Wednesday Multi Sports - 15:30pm to 16:30pm KS2
Thursday Ball Games - 15:30pm to 16:30pm KS1