**Welcome back to the start of a new term **


At St Monica’s, we believe that healthy, happy children have the greatest potential to become active, engaged citizens who achieve success academically and socially.  The school’s drive to promote positive wellbeing and mental health for pupils, staff and the wider community is evident in all aspects of school life.
  • All year groups have a curricular focus on on PSHE – (Personal, Social, Health Education) with weekly timetabled lessons and Circle Times during which children can talk about social issues at school and in the community.
  • All classes do weekly PE lessons with a specialist sports coach and complete a Daily Mile.
  • Free optional breakfast is provided for all children.
  • The school adheres to the Healthy Early Years London and School Food Standards to support healthy eating in school. (Please see our Food Policy)
  • St Monica’s pupils’ opinions and ideas are highly valued.
  • The School Council is an active forum through which children discuss issues and put forward ways to improve the school.
  • The use of restorative practice as outlined within the behaviour policy, by all staff ensures that children feel that their thoughts and feelings are valued by staff.
  • Children are empowered to take responsibility and to be part of the fixing process in matters of their behaviour.  When things go wrong, it is important that children are able to talk about it and the school policies, procedures and curriculum support children in honing this skill. (Please see our Behaviour Policy).
  • Prefects and Playground Buddies are roles of responsibility that the children take very seriously and give the children valuable life skills.
  • Throughout the school day, staff plan for, and seek out opportunities to ensure that children are in a positive frame of mind and enjoying their learning and social experiences at school.
  • A wide range of extra-curricular activities are provided to give all children a chance to share their gifts and talents. Assemblies, as well as a range of music and drama performances, workshops and trips offer opportunities for expression in many different ways.
  • Our Pastoral Care Team and classroom staff are always on hand to work with groups or individuals who may need a bit of extra support at school. Mr Antoniou (Inclusion Manager) is available for afternoon appointments on the last Tuesday of every month.  Appointments can be made via the school office.
  • Through Wellbeing and Mental Health in Schools (WAMHS) participation since 2017 and a Mental Health Support Team (MHST) in place since 2019, the school has an established, effective whole-school approach to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of pupils, parents and staff. (Please see our Wellbeing Policy.)