**Welcome back to the start of a new term **

Parent Code of Conduct

The staff and leaders of St Monica's understand the intricately interwoven duty of care between parents and school staff.  This duty of care should complement each other, with the singular aim of improving the outcomes for all pupils.

At St Monica's, we understand this and will do everything possible and acceptable to work with parents. In return, we expect a reciprocal and mutually respectful behaviour from parents.

To guide us, staff and parents have to abide by a Code of Conduct, in addition to other policies and procedures such as the Acceptable Use Policy (for Staff and Parents), Complaints Policy, Home-School Agreement etc.

If parents require dedicated time with members of staff, especially those who are not the child's class teacher, it is important to book an appointment.  This will ensure that the member of staff sets time aside to attend to the parent's matter.

Please see the Code of Conduct (and other guidance) which all parents are expected to sign up to, as we work together for the benefit of all our pupils, your children.

If you would like to discuss this, please make an appointment to speak to a member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT).